Breyer Donkeys

Breyer Mold 81 Donkey

I had wanted to collect the Breyer Donkeys for quite some time. I collect anything with a donkey on it and or donkey statues and donkey toys. The Breyer Donkeys are just a bit pricey for us. However, we found a way to collect the Breyer Horses and Donkeys that does not brake the bank. I have been making my own patterns and accessories for the Breyer Horses and I am sure I will be soon doing the same for the donkeys. I do share many of these patterns on our Breyer Horse page on a sister site, see below.

More on the Breyer Donkeys soon.....please check back.

You can see more about my Breyer Horse Collection, Model Horse Crafts and ideas on our sister site where we also host a Model Horse Fun Show with a twist.

-- The Bible Donkeys Team

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