I had wanted a donkey for quite some time... we have had horses, ponies and many other animals for many years. I bought books on donkey care and donkey training, talked to people with donkeys and then someone gifted me with llamas, LOVELY ANIMALS but I had my hands full training them, see We trained our llamas ourselves. So? I gave up the donkey pursuit.
Well? A few years went by and many things had happened. I have a dear friend who had given me two Morgan mares. They are a story in themselves... more on them later. Those two mares were no less then a gift from God. And so is Sharon's friendship.
My husband and I went through some hard times (his brother took everything we had, our home, property, everything, I have the court paperwork to prove it <sigh>). In the middle of all of it, this same friend Sharon, a lovely Christan Lady married to the nicest and most helpful Dairy farmer, offered me two more mares. Did I want them?? YES!!! Could I take them in the middle of all the turmoil? NO!!
I had told Sharon what was going on in our lives and bless her heart, she cried with me (you know that is the true measure of friendship, they may not be able to fix it, but they hurt when you do). Sharon cried with me, and with tears in her eyes said to me...words that almost knocked me off my feet!! "I'll just hold on to them for you and when things calm down come get them. Anytime." God love her. Who is that generous?
My husband and I moved to 161 acres in SD out on the prairie. <grin> Things are coming to together and low and behold this truly happened. I had started reading a read through in my new Bible. The donkey mentions and stories were catching my attention. On a Saturday I did a reread and started writing down all the donkey mentions (there are many). On the following Tuesday I had just read the story of Abigail going out to meet David on her donkey (by the way I am sure that is where the term "she got off her ass and did something" came from). Deron and I headed to town just after I had read that and I received a letter from Sharon and in it she asked if I would like to have a donkey named Abby. I could have passed out!! LOL I could not believe it!! A donkey "God sent".
Oh yes, I wanted her, but could not get her for a while... Sharon, true Christian friend that she is , said not to worry about it, get them whenever!! WOW!! Was I excited.
Months went by and beleive me, living out here on the praire, I thought of the two mares, Candy and Missy and Abby the donkey all the time!! My husband is good hearted or I am sure I would have driven him crazy (to say the least!!)
Finally, the day arrived to pick up "the girls". I had little sleep in anticipation. I could not wait to get there. It was good to see Sharon and her family too!! Sharon is the kind of person that when she gives you equine or equine training advise you can take it full on. She will only tell you what she knows and does not make things up. If she does not know the answer to your question she will tell you she does not know. Needless to say, I always enjoy her conversation as well as her family. Sharon's daughters are quite the cowgirls.
So, the time came. Not only were the animals ready, they had had their hooves trimmed and coggins pulled and Sharon would not except payment for it. God love her!!
These animals were well cared for, healthy, well trained, well behaved, fun, ready top ride animals!! How blessed am I? Man!! I am blessed many times over and much more then I deserve!!
(more to come on this)

In Sept of 2011 I needed horses. Needed. We decided we wanted WI horses. We started Praying! I contacted friends and Sharon, God Love Her, started helping me find horses. Not long after I asked about horses, Sharon sent me an email asking if I would like a Free Donkey? Of Course I Did! (more to come on this one too)
To see some of our other animals visit,,,,,,,, and
To see what Deron does take a look at,,,, and